2022 Tax Filing Information
IRS Requires Form 8843 Even if You Had No Income
IRS Requires Form 8843 from all Fs and Js (including their F-2 and J-2 dependent spouses and children) who are nonresident aliens for federal tax purposes and were physically in the U.S. at any time in 2022, even if you had no U.S. income in 2022.
- April 18, 2023 is the deadline for a tax return if you had US income.
- June 15, 2023 is the deadline if the 8843 is the only form you need to mail to the IRS because you had no income.
Log in to Sprintax nonresident tax software from our website to complete the forms you need. Not sure if you're a nonresident or a resident? Sprintax will make that determination.
What to Do
- Review U.S. Income Tax Basics for Fs and Js. The overview includes information on nonresident and resident alien tax status, 8843, W-2 and 1042-S forms, what is taxable income, and NY State and NYC taxes.
- Go to our Filing Your Nonresident Forms with Sprintax webpage and log in with your UNI and password to complete your required tax forms. Sprintax is an easy-to-use nonresident tax preparation software designed for international students, scholars, alumni and their dependents in the U.S. Use The first thing it does is determine whether you are a nonresident or resident for federal tax purposes. Sprintax is free for all your federal nonresident tax forms when you log in from our web page. There is an individual fee for a state tax return.
- If Sprintax determines that you were a resident for federal tax purposes in 2022, refer to our page on Resources for Filing a Resident Tax Return.
Sprintax Tax Webinars
Sprintax will host two virtual tax webinars specifically for Columbia international students and scholars in F/J status. After registering, Sprintax will send you a confirmation email with information about joining the webinar.
Wednesday, March 29th from 3 - 4 PM – Learn More and Register
Monday, February 27th: Recording